Sunday, June 7, 2009

So you think you can Draw

Okay, so I started drawing in a journal a few weeks ago. Nothing big, just a little doodle here and there. Then I started creating Post Secret post cards (that I will probably never send in, but I enjoy making them just the same). Well now I've joined a Yahoo group called Every Day Matters and they encourage you to draw something every week and share it.

So since I'm going to have to scan and load the images up on the internet somewhere, I decided to create a blog for them. There is a link in the sidebar there, if you want to check it out. Be warned though, I am NOT an artist, I'm just enjoying the attempts.

In other news I finally wrote some of my SoCNoC. I'm still horribly behind but then again I'm further ahead than I was with NaNoWriMo, I didn't start writing it until 15 days in. Wish me luck!!

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