Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday Morning

Well here I am trying to decide what to do with my Sunday and I remembered that I haven't updated in a couple of days so I decided to start here.

Last week was rough at work. Wednesday and Thursday kicked my butt, and at one point I decided that was it, I was leaving and I wasn't coming back. At lunch time I clocked out and I left. I drove over to Sonic to get something to eat and to call my mom but she wasn't home. I was crying and then the server came out with my lunch and she was so sweet! She talked to me and helped me feel better and I was really touched. Because of her I returned to work and turned it around. Friday was busy and hectic but I survived without wanting to escape.

Saturday I went out and bought art supplies. Yummy, delicious, rainbow colored art supplies. I bought this plastic lap tray thing that I think is meant for kids but it's perfect for me to use to draw or write or type on my laptop in bed. It has a cup holder that is perfect for a beverage or a cup of water for painting, plus a smaller bin just right for a snack or to tuck away supplies I'll need, or my mini-journals. The other side has a larger bin that is perfect for books, or even my mini-notebook. I love it!! I bought one for each of the kids too, I know they will love them. I also bought a waterbrush, traveling watercolor set, watercolor pencils, chalk and oil pastels, a sketch kit, some colored sharpies and a set of brush pens. I spent most of yesterday playing with them and exploring the colors and the applications and just enjoying them. I also read SARK books that I checked out from the library, and just felt wonderful all over.

Today I'll catch up on my chores. I have to finish the laundry which the final loads are in the machines now so that's almost done, then I need to clean the kitchen and pick up and vacuum the living room. You know I can never spell vacuum, I always spell it wrong and the fix it with spell check. I think today I'll write down the correct spelling and practice it till I can spell it correctly without the spell checker. Good thing to note! I also need to mow today, and return the video rentals, so I guess I'll be hopping today!

As for the SoCNoC, well it is now the 21st and I've only written one chapter. I may not make the goal but the story is finally shaping up in my head and I plan to write more today. I'll update more on that at the end of the month to let you know how I did. I'm proud of starting anyway, even if I fall short.

So what else is up, hmm. Well my birthday is this week. My 34th trip around the sun is coming to an end, and wow, what a trip this one has been!! So much has happened and changed, and I am not the same person I was 12 months ago. I wonder who I will be in another 12 months? It's exciting to find out. We have birthday parties at work each month so next week I get to celebrate with my work pals. This is strange to me because I've never worked on a birthday before, and it's kind of embarrassing and weird to have them celebrate like that and ask me what I want for a present. How do you tell your boss what to get you for your birthday? I struggled with it a lot, and for a long time I wished they would just ignore my birthday, I don't even really like celebrating it on my own, but finally I just gave in. There is another person who's birthday we are celebrating as well, so that helps. I asked my boss for SARK books, watercolor pencils, and screwdrivers. I think he might have gotten excited by the screwdrivers, he's a "tool guy". I mean that in that he likes to work with tools, not as in he is a "tool", he's not a tool. Anyway, my own plans for my birthday include meeting my parents and kids for dinner to eat Korean and then running out to see Transformers 2. I'm excited about that part! I'll also bake a coconut cake to share with the kids.

Man, I really want a LiveScribe Pulse Smartpen. I'm considering buying one for myself, but I can't decide if I should or not. There are so many neat applications for it, but would I really use it? If you have one or use one, comment or email me and tell me if I should buy one or not, because I'm really leaning. Me wants, me wants!! :)

Well, I can't think of anything else important to say, so I guess I'm outta here. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a glorious week!! Peace Love and Understanding to all!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dating Dilemma

Okay, so I'm finally reaching the point where I'm feeling like dipping my toe back into those ever so fish filled waters. I have no idea how to do that.

First, when it comes to dating, I'm an infant. I'm a social newbie. My ex was my first boyfriend, and really the only guy I ever really dated. I had a thing for a guy before him, a guy who never was willing to go beyond friends, and we went to a movie one night together but he made it clear it wasn't a date, it was "hanging out". My ex probably took me on a total of about five dates, I mean where you are clearly "going out on a date". We did lots of things together as a couple, but it was more along the hanging out style. So really, I have no idea how you date.

Okay, so lets say for a moment the dating part itself is easy, which it probably is, here is the real kicker. How do you meet people? I don't drink, I don't hang out at bars. I'm not religious, I don't belong to a church. Those are the two most obvious places I can think of to meet someone. The third would be the internet, but most of the online social things are filled with people trolling for a one night stand or booty call buddy or "Friend with benefits". I don't think people get the "friend" part of that, they think it means "we will screw without me ever having to take you out to dinner and a movie first". I don't know, maybe that IS what it means and *I'M* the one who doesn't get it.

I'm a little old fashioned, I would like to know someone before I sleep with them. Not in a "My name is Jack, I work at the hospital, I like the color blue, take off your clothes baby" way but in a actually spending time together and getting to know each other and like each other way. Sometimes, when I talk to people, I think I'm a dinosaur that just escaped the Lost World and people are like "I thought you were extinct". I feel that way about my attitudes on marriage and fidelity too, although I like to think other people believe in those things as well.

Anyway, so how does someone actually meet people? How do you let them know you are on the market? How do you ever get anywhere? I get the whole "kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince" thing, but where do you find the frogs?

Maybe it's like a quest, when the time is right you find the way. I don't know. Where is the instruction book for life? Why are there billions of self-help books and yet still nobody knows how to get through life without wandering around like a lost child? Maybe the wandering is the point? Maybe. Maybe it's too late at night for me to wax philosophical. I think I'm confusing myself now.

Maybe you just walk along the edge of the pool, wanting to dip your toe in, until suddenly someone comes along and pushes you and you are in, gasping for breath, stroking along, and realizing the water is wonderful.

In that case, someone come along and push me. I'm ready to learn how to swim with the fishes.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


This is a wordle created from my blog. I think it looks pretty neat! If you would like to create one of your own, visit Wordle If you have trouble reading it just click on it to enlarge the image.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Solitary Saturday Morning

Hello everybody, and I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! I'm on my own today as the kids are with their dad, but that's okay because I have a LOT to do today. Since my computer is right next to the rabbit I just fed I decided to knock out a blog update before I get on with it.

First off, to all who have viewed my art blog, thank you! I appreciate the kind comments. I also should say that a lot of the sadder/angrier Post Secret cards were "Moment in time" type things. Since the ex and I finished the appointment with the lawyer we have finally been mostly getting along and a lot of the tension there has diffused. I'm being appreciated at work and definitely know I'm a valued member of the team now, as well that I am not alone in a LOT of things I thought I was alone in. Let me tell you, that is true about life, 100%. Whatever you THINK you are alone in, you aren't, and if you just reach out to people, you will find we are all the same and we are all suffering our own burdens and many of us are on the same road together, we just don't know it. Some are a little further ahead on the road though, and when you find them, you find hope.

Anyway, as to SoCNoC, hello, my name is Tina and I'm a procrastinator. Seriously, there should be an Procrastinators Anonymous group out there. Actually they probably have the idea but keep putting off scheduling the meetings. Ha! Oh my, I just was checking my spelling and look what I noticed: procrasTINAtor, my NAME is in the word! No wonder I'm a classic case! Procrastinate, I'm in that one too. Dang. Anyway, where was I, oh yes. So I haven't written any more than the 2500 I wrote a week or so ago, but my plan is to work out the story line today and get as much knocked out as I can. It occurred to me that I had lots of grand ideas for characters and scenes and events but no story line to tie them all together or give a purpose to the whole tale, so I'm working on that now. I also have a ton of laundry to do so it will be start a load of laundry, write for an hour, change loads, write for an hour, change loads, write, repeat until finished.

As for the art front, I am enjoying that venture. I went out and bought a large set of colored pencils, and I enjoy using them although I need to buy some for my daughter because she keeps wanting to take mine. I checked out a book on art and it said you shouldn't focus so much on the result, but on the experience, the journey of the creation, so that's my mind set. I may never be an "artist" in the sense that my pictures are desired or oohed after, but the joy of creating images is what I'm going after, even if those images are lumpy, asymmetrical, or otherwise just wrong. Heck, look at Picasso, you compare some of his paintings to classic realism and he looks like a nut who can't draw or paint to save his life, but take him in the context of cubism and abstract and he's incredible, so who is to say what is right or wrong in art? I remember when we went to the art museum here in the city and seeing some pieces that made me think "THAT is art?? *I* could do better than THAT!", yet that piece had meaning to someone and expressed some thought or emotion or something. I remember there is one on the third floor, and I can't remember what it's called but it really looks like a giant piece of dog poo, it's huge and really odd. I don't mean that in a bad way, but I would love to be able to ask the artist where or what he was going for there, because I didn't get it. Then again, maybe that was the point, to throw you off balance and make you uneasy, some artists go for that too. Who knows?

I checked out a bunch of books from the library. I have no idea why, I don't really have time to read right now but I love the illuminated journals, if you haven't read one go find one! There is Spilling Open by Sabrina Ward Harrison (I think), and I just got another one that I can't remember the name or author of but it's just crazy and wonderful. I also checked out a bunch of books by SARK, and I've barely started reading them but already I want to buy every book this woman ever put out, they are amazing!! If you haven't read one, go get one now!! Anyway, so now I have a whole stack of books to read through as well. I wish someone would give me an Amazon gift card for my birthday so I could just buy a couple of the best ones to save for later, but I guess I can always recheck them later when I have more time.

Oh, totally irrelevant but just because I took a break to eat and it reminded me, I have found a new salad that I totally love!! At the clinic where I work the drug reps come by and bring us lunch a few times a week. Well this last week one of the reps brought this salad that had grilled chicken and cheese in it, and he had this dressing, I have no idea what kind it was, Italian maybe, but it was good. Anyway, I loved this salad with the chicken and the cheese and everything, so I popped off to the store to buy some grilled chicken and I picked up some of the fajita chicken and wow, does that make a good salad!! I love it!! Yum, yum, yum! Anyway, I know it was off topic but it's yummy so I had to share.

My rabbit is crazy! I'm beginning to think she might not be a rabbit at all but a cat or monkey in disguise. She climbs things!! Seriously, this rabbit has gotten four feet off the ground by climbing things!! I find her on the back of the couch, in the entertainment cabinet behind the TV, on top of chairs, etc. Today I left the top of her cage open after feeding her and when I looked over she was on top of her cage. I have no idea how she got out, but she did! She's so goofy!

Anyway, I know I'm rambling so I'll close for now. I need to go get the laundry going and get back to writing. I WILL have a story line and at least 5-10K written by the end of today, I insist!! Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

So you think you can Draw

Okay, so I started drawing in a journal a few weeks ago. Nothing big, just a little doodle here and there. Then I started creating Post Secret post cards (that I will probably never send in, but I enjoy making them just the same). Well now I've joined a Yahoo group called Every Day Matters and they encourage you to draw something every week and share it.

So since I'm going to have to scan and load the images up on the internet somewhere, I decided to create a blog for them. There is a link in the sidebar there, if you want to check it out. Be warned though, I am NOT an artist, I'm just enjoying the attempts.

In other news I finally wrote some of my SoCNoC. I'm still horribly behind but then again I'm further ahead than I was with NaNoWriMo, I didn't start writing it until 15 days in. Wish me luck!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Great SoCNoC Begins!!!

So of course I'm behind. ;) I decided at the eleventh hour to just yank out my notes for my opus and write it for SoCNoC. Gasp!! Yes, THE STORY, the opus I thought would take me years to write because I had to write it just right, it had to be perfect, and now on a whim I've decided to whip it out in a month. Sigh.

Actually I think this will be good. The problem with Opuses is that they can become so great you are afraid to ever start them for fear you won't do them the proper justice. By starting this now, this way, I know I'll beat out the rough idea, and then later I can polish it into the perfect dream that eats at my brain all the time. So now I just hope my Muse is with me, because I'm doing some pretty creative world building for the Opus. Oh, and Opus isn't it's name, but I love the title and I don't want someone stealing it from me before I finish so Opus is the undercover temp title, which is still better than the temp title I give most of my other work, Work In Progress or WIP. Nope, this story will never be a WIP, it's an Opus.

Anyway, so I have my goal, and I dug out my BIAM book (Book in a Month, for those who aren't synonym savvy), and I'm considering starting a journal from the point of view of my MC, just for a little extra depth for inspiration. I'm looking forward to a productive month, although I'm going to have to iron out committed writing time. I tried to write at lunch and ended up talking to a co-worker instead and ended up 10 minutes late and with nothing written. Bummer!! She's a very nice person though, so it was nice talking to her. Then I've spent most of the evening preparing to write but not actually writing anything. Getting up early would probably be a good idea but I'm such a grouch in the morning, and I like to sleep, so I don't know if I can do it or not. I guess we can try it and see.

Anyway, in other news I drove to downtown for the ball game, yea me!! I still get nervous driving but I did well and survived, even after getting lost. I think I'm going to be okay, really. It's interesting facing those old fears and then pushing through them. It makes you wonder why you took so long to start living your life. We also saw the movie UP, and I really liked the message in it too. Thinking about that couple and how they put off their dream of going to South America until it was too late really inspires me to make time for writing and work on it now, instead of letting it simmer on the back burner until it's too late.

Well, on Wednesday I go to see the lawyer and start the finalizing of my divorce. I have no idea if it will be amicable or not, the EX keeps fighting me left and right. I figure if he shows up, I'll file our mutual agreement. If he holds out, I'll work out an agreement with the lawyer and file that. If he doesn't like it, he can spend HIS money to hire a lawyer. I'm ready for it to be over, so over!!

I guess that's about all I have for now. Oh, I'm still writing in my journal, which is nice. I express myself more creatively there than I have in other journals before, it's a very liberating feeling. I think of the old days in high school and signing yearbooks, how you would write on diagonals and stuff, and I break out of the standard line by line writing. It's nice. I still suck at painting and stuff but oh well.

I hope you have a fabulous week and a beautiful June!! I turn 34 at the end of the month, thus ending my 34th trip around the sun. It's been one hell of a ride and my life has changed so much, I wonder what my 35th trip will bring? If the fates took requests I'd ask for a winning lottery ticket, a best selling novel, and a happy, healthy family, but I'm sure I'll manage and make do with whatever they throw at me. Not that that's a challenge, okay? You hear me Fates? Go easy on me!! ;)

Peace, Love and Tranquility always.