Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tweet Tweet!

Okay, so I'm loving Twitter!! How does anyone get anything done, I don't know, but I promised I'd get back to my editing so this will be quick.

Sergio Cilli is trying to get to 200 followers by the end of the day, so if you read this, head over and follow him (why does that make me think of religious leaders when I see "followers"? no idea). Click his name for the link. He is the music man who does "Sergio's White Hot Top Five" on InfoMania, and he's awesome, so go follow him. He'll lead you to great music, unless it's a crap top five for the week. ;) Just kidding, even the crap top five have redeeming qualities, like showing you what music not to download. I'll admit Sergio has turned me onto several artists I hadn't heard of before and helped launch me into the world of buying MP3's, so go Serg for dragging this girl out of the pre-digital age funk. ;)

While you are at it, head over to Current and check the whole team out, cause seriously, those people are entertaining. The whole InfoMania team is awesome, and that goes to all the people behind the scenes as well as the talent in front of the green screen as well.

Now I seriously have to get away from this screen and edit my book. Have a great day and hug someone you love, and if you don't have someone to hug, well leave me a comment or send me an email and I'll send some love your way. ;) I've got plenty to share. Peace, Love, and Sunshine!

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